Alaska School Nurses Association

Please welcome our new 2023-2024 ASNA Board Officers

Posted about 1 year ago by Sonja Mack

Thank you to all those who voted in the ASNA Board Officers' Election for President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary.  I have the privilege to announce our new ASNA board members for the 2023-2024 school year. Their term will start June 1st. We have wonderful candidates who have stepped up and will be great for our organization and school nurses across our state.

Holly Rauchenstein, BSN, RN, NCSN is our incoming President. Holly is a school nurse in the Mat-Su at Willow Elementary School. She will bring great expertise to our board having been the president-elect for the past year and served as one of our leads in planning for the past two annual school nurses conferences. We are excited to continue to work with Holly to help improve ASNA!

Jennifer Cottle, BSN, RN, NCSN is our incoming President-Elect. Jennifer works at Ravenwood Elementary School for ASD. She has been a past board member with ASNA serving as secretary and is looking forward to serving ASNA members again as president-elect for a one-year term, then will serve her second year as president of ASNA. Jennifer brings many years of experience as a school nurse and a school nurse leader to ASNA.

Kristin Sullivan, BSN, RN, NCSN is our incoming Treasurer. Kristin is a Mat-Su Nurse working at Valley Pathways. She brings to ASNA many years of nursing knowledge and experience. Kristin is an educator and a nurse at her school as she teaches health curriculum to students in the classroom. We are excited to bring Kristin on board with her experience and passion for school nursing.

Laura Aimonetti, BSN, RN is again serving as our Secretary and we could not be more happy for her to return!  Laura is with ASD at Sand Lake Elementary School and has been our secretary for the past two years. She brings to the board experience, cheer, and a positive attitude. Thank you Laura for continuing your journey with ASNA to improve school nursing!       

I want to congratulate them all; thank you for their time and interest in promoting ASNA’s mission. I know they will be great leaders for ASNA. 

Thank you for allowing me to serve as the president this past year; it has been a truly rewarding experience.  As we close out National Nurses Week today, know we all are truly blessed to have each and every one of you as part of our school nurse community.  

In Health,

Sonja Mack, BSN, RN, NCSN
Alaska School Nurses Association President