In this interactive training, participants will learn concepts associated with Trauma Informed Care, reflect on how to see their work through the lens of Trauma Informed Care, then discuss strategies to improve their practice with the people they serve. Participants will learn concepts associated with the impact of various types of trauma and how that information affects critical interactions. In discussing trauma, whether individual, complex, current, historical, or multi-generational, participants will explore strategies to improve their work with the people they serve.
· What it means to be trauma-informed and how it can positively affect interactions
· Appropriate disclosures and validation of trauma
· Identify how trauma impacts the brain (health and behavior)
· Understanding various types of trauma and their short and long-term impacts
· Learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences (A.C.E.S.) and Resilience factors
· Reflect on trauma-informed interventions and helpful strategies for effective interactions
Cost: There is no charge for this training. The costs of this training are sponsored by the State of Alaska (SOA) Department of Health’s Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention (OSMAP).
Questions about this training?
Please contact Courtney Yemiola,
Questions about registration?
Please contact AKTC Support, or 907-264-6244