Alaska School Nurses Association

Behavioral Mental Health Learning Series for School Nurses TODAY at 3pm

Posted 3 months ago by Sonja Mack


Join us for an AK School Nurse & Health Services Behavioral Mental Health Learning Session TODAY

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 @ 3:00-4:00pm!

 Psychological First Aid and Crisis Triage by Kira Mauseth, PhD

This training will cover psychological first aid and tools that can be used in communities to expand the use of psychological first aid. It will also include expanded discussion from last year around crisis response with a particular focus on developmentally expected trajectories of trauma response, screening and triaging students based on need and cultural adaptation of trauma and crisis response in rural and remote settings. 


DOH Moodle Link:

Create your DOH Moodle account to view series, join sessions, watch prior sessions, obtain CE’s, and more.


Please share with all school health & nursing services staff in your districts!

ALL school health office staff, school nurses, substitute SN’s, and Health Aids/Para’s are encouraged to attend!

Behavioral Managment Series 2024-2025

We hope you will all will be able to join us for this amazing opportunity. This is the 3rd presentation in our PAL-PAK/Seattle Children’s Hospital partnership for an Alaskan school nursing/health services learning series for this school year.  The presentation will be followed by a discussion where you can ask questions, share successes or challenges, get subject matter expert feedback/recommendations, and hear what school nurses in Alaska are doing to on this topic to support students. 


Future series sessions will occur the third Wednesday of each month from 3:00 – 4:00pm, through May 2024.


Pal-Pak/Seattle Children’s Hospital Partnership background:

In 2018, the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Seattle Children’s Hospital/University of Washington joined with Alaska Department of Health to expand support to community-based health practitioners in their efforts to address mental and behavioral health concerns in the Alaska children and adolescents they serve. The SCH/UW Partnership Access Line for Alaska program, or PAL-PAK, provides consultation to Alaska based health care providers regarding questions about diagnostic issues, psychopharmacological management of, and psychotherapeutic strategies for, youth.  This service provides live, on-demand telephone consults to any prescriber level health care provider in the state to support the care of any youth in their care, Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm.  In 2023 the PAL-PAK program was extended to include a partnership with the Alaska Education and Early Leaning Department to provide outreach to school nurses and rural and itinerant staff who are at the front line of fostering the well-being of Alaskan children and supporting their mental and behavioral health.  In the 2023-2024 school year, PAL-PAK for Schools program will offer monthly continuing education presentations on topics requested by the Alaska teams.




 Wendy A. Williams, BSN, RN, NCSN (she/her/hers)

State School Nurse Consultant II

School Nursing/Health Services Program

Women, Children, and Family Health | Division of Public Health 

Department of Health | State of Alaska

907.269.7368 Office

907.744.5567 Work Cell


Sign-up for Alaska School Nursing & Health Services Program email updates at:


Dena'inaq ełnen'aq' gheshtnu ch'q'u yeshdu.

I live and work on the land of the Dena'ina. (English)